Simmons Accepted to RHOP

5449Nebraska Christian senior Emily Simmons has been accepted into the Rural Health Opportunity Program (RHOP), and she plans to attend Chadron State College in the Fall of 2015. The RHOP program is where students go through their undergraduate programs at the state colleges, have spots reserved in their selected field of study at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), then plan to return to rural Nebraska after completing med school.

Simmons will be going through the physical therapy program through RHOP. She said, “The application process was time consuming and took some planning between getting reference letters and filling out the application.” Her application was due December 1st, and the interview was January 19th.

Of the whole process, Simmons said, “I am so thankful for all the people who helped me through it in some way or another. The interview wasn’t as nerve wracking as I thought it would be, but I was definitely nervous waiting for their phone call saying that I had been accepted.” Simmons has worked hard to be accepted into RHOP, and she says she’s excited for what she will experience, the people she will meet, and the memories she will make. “God has been teaching me to rely on Him and His plan for my life through this,” she said.

May God bless you and your endeavors to becoming a physical therapist in the state of Nebraska, Emily! Congrats on making RHOP.


Categorized in:High School

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