Stuhmers Receive Hall of Faith Award


Janice and Kerry Stuhmer

Each year, the board chooses one or two individuals or couples to receive the Hall of Faith Award. This award is presented for years of service at Nebraska Christian–be it through teaching, giving of time and finances, promoting the school, or being involved in other ways on campus, these individuals have made an impact on Nebraska Christian and its students.

This year, the board selected Kerry & Janice Stuhmer to receive this prestigious honor. Board member Lester Unruh presented this award at the Harvest Festival on November 6. Below is the text of his speech:

In 1989, the couple we honor tonight first became affiliated with Nebraska Christian when they enrolled their three oldest children. Then in the fall of 1990, she became NC’s kindergarten teacher. Through the 2012-2013 school year, she continued teaching in the elementary in a variety of grades, and she also served as the elementary head teacher for several of those years. While teaching in the elementary, she also frequently taught 7th grade English. In the fall of 2013, she moved up to the secondary level, teaching ESL, junior high English, art, and FCS, and she became the junior high head teacher. This year, she continues as the junior high head teacher and also teaches junior high English, junior high art, and FCS.

He has been involved behind the scenes for many years, driving bus both for the route and for activities, being a member of the football “chain gang” at home games, and running sound for a myriad of events. He is a member of the Advisory Council and has served as its secretary for many years.

As a couple, they led the Elementary PTF for many years.

All five of their children are NC graduates: Travis in 1994, Sarah in 1996, Tammy in 1998, Samuel in 2007, and Joanna in 2012. This year, their grandsons Grant and Chantz began attending NC’s elementary.

It is my privilege tonight to present the 2014 Hall of Faith Award to Kerry & Janice Stuhmer.

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