Phase 1 - New Girls' Dormitory

Elliot Hall - Funded and Completed November 2015

Elliot Hall

We have been blessed with the completion of our new girls' dorm, Elliot Hall - Phase 1 of our The Next 50 Years Capital Campaign.

Our aging girls' dorm had become a critical need in our residency program. The expense to maintain the old building was cost-prohibitive. Elliot Hall was dedicated on March 18, 2016. It was named in honor of Elisabeth Elliot whose life exemplified godliness, faithfulness, kindness, patience, and a heart committed to sharing the love of Christ with others; characteristics we hope inspire all who use this building. We are pleased to now offer a first-class facility to students from around the world.

Features of Elliot Hall:

  • Houses up to 30 students during the school year
  • Available as a summer camp program facility
  • Houses students for local and international summer school programs
  • Provides Kitchen and Great Room for community meetings
  • Provides on-campus guest housing