Seniors Honored at Banquet

On Friday, April 17th, the Honor Banquet was held at the Leadership Center in Aurora. The Honor Banquet is a formal event in which the senior class, their parents, their pastors, and their teachers are all invited to attend a fancy dinner put together by the junior class. Prior to the event, all K-12 NC students were encouraged to write appreciation notes about the senior class. During the event, the compiled notes were read to the senior class.

Also during the evening, a devotional was given by Mr. Andy Falk. Afterward, all of the pastors in attendance were asked to come forward and pray for the senior class. “I really think it was a special time to celebrate the partnership between the family, the church, and the school in helping prepare students to impact their world for Christ,” said NC Superintendent Josh Cumpston.

After the event, the seniors were invited to Covenant Cedars for an after party hosted by the junior class and their parents.

Pictured above: Boys’ Dorm Parents Tim & Rachel Jewell with their international senior boys (from left) William Le, Lewis Nguyen, Austin Nguyen, Jonas Chiang, and Kevin Lin.

Categorized in:High School International

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