Students Selected to UNK Honor Choirs
Sixteen Nebraska Christian students have been selected to one of three choirs at the University of Nebraska at Kearney Honor Band & Choral Clinic. The clinic will be held on January 23, 2017. The day will culminate in a concert, with the band portion at 5:30 p.m. and the choral concert at 7:00. Tickets are $3 and can be purchased at the door beginning at 4:30 p.m.
The NC students selected for each choir are as follows:
Honor Choir: Marilla Flynn, Danae Burdett, Gladys Choi, Hailee Broman, Andrew Feely, Ben Janssen, Jeremiah Ebel, Chase Tate, Cole Ruybalid, Luke Swanson, Juan Lasso.
Festival Choir: Wendy Bornmann, Melinda Kim, Cream Masatit, Daniel Myers.
Women’s Choir: Bekah Feddersen
Pictured Above: Honor Choral Clinic Participants. Row 1: Melinda Kim, Cream Masatit, Marilla Flynn, Hailee Broman. Row 2: Juan Lasso, Jeremiah Ebel, Ben Janssen, Wendy Bornmann, Gladys Choi, Danae Burdett. Row 3: Bekah Feddersen, Andrew Feely, Luke Swanson, Cole Ruybalid, Chase Tate. Not Pictured: Daniel Myers.
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